Stranded backpackers in remote Australia fall prey to a murderous bushman who offers to fix their car, then takes them captive.
Lil WARNING: 'Wolf Creek' is probably the only movie this month that is "good" and "well made" in the traditional sense, but it is very difficult to watch and not much FUN. Thus I urge you to proceed with caution and only come if you can handle a dose of horror. It's legit horror here, while the other films are more traditional escapist fare.

Do you think it will be too scary for me?
ReplyDeleteMaybe, its pretty bleak . . . I can handle going to dark depths, but the movie has gotta extend a hand and help me out the dank, Hellish pit when all is said and done. Whereas 'Wolf Creek' just kicks a bunch of dirt on my face and says "fuck you."
ReplyDeleteyeah. that movie was real mean to me. i was losing my shit. then when i lost my shit, my shit took a dump.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm glad to see you are not as jaded as that aloof Yahnker.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, sure the movie makes a few mistakes, but ultimately I try to be on a movie's team. I want to get into it if I can. Irony is the mindkiller.
Also, I was chatting to Nate about it, I sorta feel that anytime the movie starts to revel in cliches (like the heroine sorting endlessly through the killer's lair) it is to get you thinking "oh, this is a generic horror movie . . . I know where this is going," and then BAM! They do the unexpected. They kill her.
Much like when the old guy pulls up and "rescues" the 2nd girl on the highway, everyone let out a communal guffaw, thinking, "no shit, here comes the killer." The way it's shot is so hackneyed that its telling us "she thinks she is safe, but here comes the killer." When of course we've all been duped, it isn't the killer . . . he blasts the old man with a range rifle (of all anti-slasher trope weapons.)
I sort of feel that this movie takes into account how superior most viewers think of themselves when watching a genre movie like this and they use that smug self satisfaction to its own gain . . . sorta fucking us up. Which i respect. A bit of a kick in the nuts to the irony crowd.
yeah it was real good. my favorite part was when he stabs her in the spine, and we don't even know what happens next. insane. thats pretty much the worst option for death for me.