This May will be a Harris-spectacular, chock full of Harris. Even a few Harris goodies wedged between your regularly scheduled Tuesday Movienights - come, gorge yourself on Harris and be merry.
May 3rd: This Sporting Life
May 10th: Cromwell
May 17th: A Man Called Horse/Return of a Man Called Horse
May 24th: The Wild Geese
May 31st: The Field
Bonus Harris possibilities to be scheduled: Molly Maguires, Man in the Wilderness, Juggernaut, 99 and 44/100% Dead? We'll see.

why?!?! richard harris!?!?!? on the month that i am going to be mostly not in LA. and i am so in love with him. ughhh. i am gonna have to pull away from the puppet cave once in a while for ma boy.